Disaster of Airbass October 31, 2015 Egypt - Rehubilitation

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Disaster of Airbass October 31, 2015 Egypt - Rehubilitation

Сообщение Timecops »

Hello, Free Zone members.
Thetans which were forced to exteriorize from their bodies due to an outcome of Airbus 321 crash in Egypt, October 31 2015, are being audited (already 5 days) in a row by Elena Lebedeva (she is also serving as their exit point). It is currently impossible to provide auditing to the souls of the dead bodies due to lack of specialists.
Audited thetans then are being directed to the Galactic Rehubilitation Services. These processes take up to 10 days. Without a technical terminal on Earth many have trouble dealing with shock and confusion, hence the decision to provide auditing assistance. It is noteworthy that about 90% of audited thetans expressed intent to take the next body on Earth again, having their waiting period streamlined after auditing. Only 10% wished to leave the planet entirely.
Its start possible after Direct contact to Galactic Patrol by Captain Bill Robertson at 1982. At present time Spaceships of Galactic Patrol on regime of camouflage constantly over our planet.
Galactic Rehubilitation Services - handle spiritual beings who suffering after drop the bodies (catastrophes,wars, mass incidents).
Generic Entity - its Soul, we talk with souls, they pleased name "soul", GE - its term for auditors and casesupervisers.
Level of case for coordination with Galactic Patrol near Clearing Theta-Clear. Its not my level yet. At present time I clear whole track up to Statics my body and soul ofter Excal. As thetan I graduated 250 level of Statics ((its lowest levels, because there billions).

Web auditing in any place on the planet https://timecops.net/english.html

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